3. Love—It’s all about love.

5. Weapons “Brass Knuckles” on my left underarm. A direct rip off of my brother Tony’s
tattoo. Tony and I taught each other to
fight, how to take an ass whooping, and how to survive by any means necessary. I
used to say “Getting hit by a man sucks, better to grab a weapon.” To this day, (even as a pacifist) I believe
the brass knuckles serve as a reminder to admit my own weakness in an area, learn
a new weapon, and kick some ass.

7. Biggest “Bang Your Head” a nine hour color portrait from
Quiet Riot’s Mental Health album cover, made by Ron “570”Russo in Wilkes
Barre,PA. When I was 5 or 6, I went to
stay with my mom’s second husband’s new family—a Jimmy Swaggart loving fundamentalist
bunch of 700 club Christians. The new
wife Ruth was such an asshole, and beat my ass for listening to ”Satan’s music”
(amongst other evil things like having impossible hair, or looking like
my mother) on the newly debuted MTV—I couldn’t understand how this had any connection
to Satan, or why beating me was better than me singing along to
Borderline(Maddonna) . Later, the PMRC
set out to ban the soundtracks and salvation of my miserable little forgotten
life. Before I found music like Iron
Maiden, Beastie Boys, Naked Raygun, I had felt completely helpless and small….
I felt wrong for being a fucked up poor kid whose mom left her in horrible places
until I heard these amazing sounds that made it okay for me to own my anger,
and told me I was not alone-- that there were others. It was cool to be pissed. I realized that, in fact, that bitch was a
jerk, and I was a-okay and right on schedule. Bang your head, Ruth.

9. Favorite—my son’s first permanent mark, at age 12. He
chose the anarchy symbol and I realized I raised a proper little crusty
10. Regretted—none. Even the ones I’ve had covered up.
11. Private “True” in Blue, (told ya’ I loved Madonna). It’s
over my heart, tucked under my breast, a reminder to a Shakespeare quote from Polonius
the windbag in Hamlet:
“This above all:
to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
12. Hands My partner Kevin says my hands look like mittens,
I love them. Ever since I was a child I would watch my hands and wonder what I
could do with them… “Quixotic” on the Knuckles from Troy Timpel, Left hand
compass by Emilio Saylor, Left hand/wrist poppy by James Schuhrke, right hand
timepiece by Mario Desa, and some notes in between.

14. Matching – Three umbrellas, crudely marked on our thumbs,
our family crest and first priority. The
guys at Umbrella Ink Tattoo are not only my co-workers but also my family.
Simple and unified.
15. Portrait—Buddha by Emilio Saylor.
16. Unfinished --Southern Cross, began by Kevin when he was
first in the skin… that shit hurt so bad, I’m not sure if I’ll ever finish it.
It was my homeward bound, because someday I will return to the stars in the
Southern Hemisphere. “The truth you might be running from is so small, but it’s
as big as the promise, the promise of the coming day.”
17. First—it was a little yin-yang and a cross by with a
handmade machine made from a vcr motor, sewing needles, and a bic pen. I was 12 years old and somehow my mother saw
it. I have to tell you my mother was
nearly 6 foot tall, large breasted, and a redhead. As she leaned over me I knew I was going to
die. Instead she laughed and said “Haha,
you’re gonna have to live with that piece of shit your entire life.” Joke’s on
her though, my partner tattoos, and he covered it up real nice.
18. Last—To quote my friend and love Bunny Switchblade “I
started with one, and I will end with one.”
19. Animal—A little Tara McPherson bunny tattooed by Patrick
Cornolo during Joe Capobianco’s “quick and Painful” event in Chicago.
20. Religious—Fruit of knowledge by Zaq Weaver. “Naturally born bad.”
21. Traditional—early in my quest to learn more about
history, the fundamentals of tattooing, I became enamored with what I thought
was traditional tattoo. “One third black, one third color, one third skin” was
what I was told to look for when judging a “traditional” piece. Funny
what we think we’re going to learn and how it contrasts with reality. I still
love clean lines, bold color, and the simplified symbol. I love the sailor, whore, and biker era of modern
tattooing, I can relate with folks described neatly with these labels. But catching a glimpse at the human history
of tattoo, and what magic, position, sentimentality, and rites of passage have
been expressed in the skin through our entire history has made me appreciate
what a new era “traditional” tattoo really is.
22. Tattoo by an Instagram Artist—Aren’t all tattooers on
Instagram? Hahah.

24. Back—My upper middle lower back tramp stamp. I got it when I was 18, before fashion
lowered the waistline of jeans. Yes, it’s crooked. Yes, it’s like touching the
90’s, yes I am an old-school tramp.
25. Memorial—Carol Anne, a seemingly 12 foot tall redhead
with big tits and a bigger smile. She was bulletproof and my hero. She wrote and sang and was a ginormous
person. She was untouchable but loving. In the end, she was the only one who
could destroy herself, and she did. She’s free now, and I pray she’s found some
peace. I love you mom.
26. Most Painful—This flower by Kevin Cole behind my knee,
hands down. It hurt worse than two cesareans, a near fatal car wreck, and a
thousand ass-whoopings combined. It
alone has made me re-think how I feel about numbing spray. I made up new cusswords and healing from it
was no picnic either.
27. Nature—I little section of my leg made by John
Chance. Earth, air, fire, water.
28. Impulse Bonafide Paperplane, made by Nick Coella. I was on my given day of ego, out to Chicago
to celebrate another deadline of word and image finding its print destiny. And
MIA song “Paper planes“ came on the radio. I thought it funny and in 6 seconds
I made a decision to get “Bonifide” on me permanently because my hustle is as
enduring as a paperplane, my existence a blip, and life a funny funny exchange.
As big as we think we are, we are just a speck of dust in the dust storm of
divine comedy.
29. Funny—It’s all incredibly funny.
30. Creepy—It’s all incredibly creepy.
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