Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christy Mack for Ink Addict

As seen in Tattoo Savage Magazine, Christy Mack shares about her tattoos and their place in her adult film career

Christy Mack’s Tattooed Heart

Story& Photos by mAry d'Aloisio

Petite Midwestern sweetheart Christy Mack is doing big things with her tattooed life. Measuring just 5’1” tall, the little girl is attacking the world with her ginormous personality and dedication to positive living. She’s helping to break down tattoo prejudice in the mainstream adult film industry, races modified Subaru’s, and rescues dogs with an inspiring ferocity. The girl is a certified bad-ass.
Indiana native Christy Mack is well on her way to becoming 2013’s “It Girl” in the mainstream adult film industry, which is no small feat for the tattooed sweetheart. She was told very early on that her tattoos would work against her.
My very first agent in Miami looked at me and said ‘You’re not going to get any work at all. You should never get any more tattoos and you should consider getting the ones you have removed-- it won’t help your career at all.” Christ Mack told Tattoo Savage. “It was kind of difficult at first-- but once I hit the scene, I hit the ground running. Things just took off from there. I sure threw that in his face.” She giggled.
It’s just a combination of my look, my whole attitude, how I carry myself, my body shape and tattoos that match my personality. Mainstream has started to become more accepting towards tattoos in general.”
How tattoos would affect her career wasn’t a consideration when she got her first one, and she’s not interested in changing her mindset now. “My mom bought me my first tattoo a couple of days before my 16th birthday. My mom has always been super cool. She doesn’t care either way—it’s the same with the porn thing, as long as I’m happy—that’s all that matters.”

Her collection of American Traditional inspired designs has grown quite a bit since. Some of her tattoos had meanings for her; some were just cool, and most of the characters on her have a name.
My first tattoo was when I was 15, it’s on my lower back, it’s a couple of sparrows and a nautical star—I named them Fredrick and Raul.” She said. “I had three tattoos before I turned 17.”
Then she met up with her current artist John Haas from Artistic Skin Design and Endurance Tattoo in Indiana. “John Haas has pretty much always been the best artist I have ever had—he’s done the majority of my work.”
His work on her includes a cover-up of an Owl on her left arm, an Eagle and roses on the back and side of her neck for a dog-rescuing war veteran who inspired her, and some fancy traditional designs on her arms.
She did stray once to get a tattoo from Myke Chambers at Hell City --a girl face on her right forearm. “I’ve been a fan of his for years. There was no real meaning to me; I just wanted a piece from him.  Her name is Penelope.”
The tattooed heart on her face was to memorialize the loss of her first rescue dog, Fannie May.
People get tear drops when they kill people; I got a heart on my face when my dog died.” Christy Mack works a lot with rescue Pitt Bulls, and with various organizations, but one of her favorites is It’s a Pitty Rescue out of Indianapolis, IN (www.rescueapittie.org).
They do such great work and find hundreds of dog’s homes; they're just great people.” She said.
Real must recognize real—with her fair share of haters, and folks that have an opinion about her job she had this to say:
I am a housewife without the husband, with a passion for cars and animals and a very interesting job. For those that try to hate on me, I just realize that they aren't as happy as I am so I tend to leave them alone. Sometimes I get my little attitude though, and I tell them exactly how it is.”
Follow Christy Mack on Twitter or Instagram at @ChristyMack , and watch out for the petite ones—they pack a tremendous punch.